It is OVER!
And I have to say I am SO thankful I brought along Wendy (Mrs.CandyHearts), otherwise the group of 7 other people MIGHT have overwhelmed me!
We had our meeting in The Superhero's classroom, so we had the great pleasure of sitting in the tiny, yellow, pre-school sized chairs. I was not exactly sure who all would be in attendance. We ended up with quite a crowd making up the team of 504 Evaluators.
We had...
1) School Assistant Principal (she facilitated the meeting)
2) The Preschool program health coordinator (I think that was her title)
3) The Superhero's Teacher #1
4) The Superhero's Teacher #2
5) Awesome Nurse S.
6) Awesome Nurse S.'s Assistant
7) School District Nursing Coordinator (DNC) (if you read one of my last posts, you know she was also my grade school nurse, WEIRD, in a good way)
8) Wendy (WOO HOO!)
9) Me
All there to come up with and finalize the plan for The Superhero.
At first it seemed as though the Assistant Principal was going to try to avoid the 504. She kept asking me questions about whether or not I REALLY thought The Superhero's Diabetes would affect him in preschool.
I continued to tell her that YES it will! High and low blood sugars affect the way he acts and in turn the way he participates in the class.
So YES a 504 Plan is completely NECESSARY and not just a "Health Plan".
When we handed her a copy of the 504 I wrote (copied from Wendy mostly), and she almost seemed defensive at first. She said we "as a team" would write the 504, IF he qualified.
Well, he qualified (DUH!), and on the plan she had she ended up writing "see attached plan". The District Nurse Coordinator(DNC) kept saying "This is a really well written plan."
I was happy that the DNC was a GREAT advocate for The Superhero and Diabetes. She made sure the school knew they need to have people besides Awesome Nurse S. and her assistant trained to care for The Superhero, just in case they are both not there.
Everyone went along with everything in my plan. And now we get to enjoy the rest of our first year of pre-school without the wonder of "if there will be a 504". It is done.
Thank you to EVERYONE for comments, FB messages, and emails supporting me and helping me get through all of this.
Again, whew! Sigh of relief!

I am so happy for you guys Tracy! That is great news.
I am still a bit shocked that this meeting was even necessary... but SO HAPPY for you and The Superhero that they finally pulled it together and LISTENED to you! :)
You did awesome....thanks for letting me be a fly on the wall ;) The Superhero is going to have a fantastic year!
:) YAY!
I'm sooo happy to hear (read) this and thanks Wendy for helping a wonderful D mom out!! Great Job to all of you for working this out and looking our for our superhero!! :)
p.s. see I remembered this time....superhero:)
Yay Tracy! Great job advocating for your little Superhero...and in the bigger picture for all of our superheros. Great news!!
Wow! It sounds like it was an intense week but you made it through!
I love reading about it all and I know if I ever do decide to go the school route with Addison I will have lots of veterans from the trenches like you to ask advice from. Pretty soon all this will be old hat for you Tracy!
Congrats!!! SO happy and relieved for you!
Your post brought back memories of when we were first negotiating Jack's 504 at the beginning of kindergarten. We spent the first 15 minutes of our 504 hearing, explaining why a 504 is necessary and why he qualifies for one. We literally had to fight to get him one. Crazy! SO happy your meeting went more smoothly than ours did!
That is awesome!
I have a question - - - why do schools not want to have a 504 plan? I noticed that at Sophie's school yesterday too. I think she needs one for preschool as well but they seemed to dismiss it.
Just wondering if you knew ---
We can chat on email but I just thought I would post here because in 5 minutes I will probably forget I had this question.
My brain is fried!
I'm so glad to hear that it went so well and you have your plan on place! And woo-hoo for Wendy, too! He's going to do great and love it! :)
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