Sunday, May 30, 2010


I have been lucky enough to meet D mom Megann in the past when she visited AZ. She lives in Idaho but has family here in AZ. So, when she comes to visit, we like to plan some sort of get together.

This time around, we decided to include a few other D blogging moms. Donna was gracious enough to invite us all to her house and we had the BEST party EVER! And I am not joking! I have NEVER felt so comfortable to just let my kids play and run around.

I felt like everyone watched out for all the kids, not just their own. We all had small kids, so everyone REALLY GETS IT! It was AMAZING.

We started at Donna's house with playtime before dinner, then we ate dinner, more playing, we went to the park for some pictures, and OF COURSE, some dessert! Enjoy...

The whole group!

D- Moms, From Left to Right: Danielle, Tracy(me), Megann (with Libby), Donna, and Kris

Seriously, I think the kids (and adults) would have stayed FOREVER! We left there around 9pm. It was THE BEST gathering EVER. (in case you didn't get that already!)

I CANNOT wait to do it again! Thanks Donna (and Brian) for hosting! The Superhero keeps saying "I can't wait to play with my Diabesee friends again!"

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