Friday, June 4, 2010

I did it!

If you read my posts about getting The Princess her MMR here and here, you know this was a HARD decision for me.

Well, a couple months have passed since all of the debating. The 15 month check up came and went. The 18 month check up came and went. We took a trip to WA and I did not want to get the shot before we went, so I decided I would schedule it for when we returned home.

And, I DID IT! The Princess is now 19 months old and I finally got up the courage to make the appointment and take her in.

We went yesterday for the shot and nurse R. came in and asked me why we did not do the shots at our 18 month check up. I explained to her that we were getting ready to go out of town.

THEN she asked me if I wanted to get the Chicken Pox and the Hep A while we were there!

Umm, NO!

It took me enough strength and courage to get in just to get the MMR!

NO THANK YOU! We will do them another time! I politely told her that the MMR was enough for one day and we would get the others some other time.

So, there you have it. DONE. She has now had it and I can't take my decision back. And that is ok with me. If she gets the BIG D now, I will still be ok with this decision.

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