Thursday, November 25, 2010

Diabetes and Marriage

(NaBloPoMo Day 25)
The diagnosis of T1 Diabetes in a child can put a strain on the marriage/relationship of the parents of that child. (or for a T1 person and his/her spouse/significant other)

The stress and lack of sleep managing the disease 24/7 creates an environment that wears a person out completely. If a relationship is lacking good communication, Diabetes can add a TON of stress to an already challenging situation.

(ETA: Laura posted about how her marriage took a toll due to 2 chronic illnesses in her children. Laura, I love this post. Thank you for sharing and being open and honest.)

Even in a strong relationship, Diabetes can throw a wrench in things. It is a 24/7 disease that is all consuming and it can be difficult to give 100% to your spouse with Diabetes in the mix.

Diabetes Fact #25: A Diabetes diagnosis can put strain on the marriage of the person with T1 (for adults) or for the parents of the child diagnosed.

Diabetes Fact #24:Complications from out of range blood sugars with T1 Diabetics are very real and very worrisome to those living with the disease (and their parents/loved ones).

Diabetes Fact #23:The only thing constant with Diabetes, is that nothing stays the same.

Diabetes Fact #22:Diabetes is a family disease and affects every person in the family, near and far.

Diabetes Fact #21:Having Type 1 Diabetes means finger pokes 8-10 times per day (or more) and YES that means using BLOOD to do this.

Diabetes Fact #20:Despite always injecting the proper amount of insulin, people with type 1 Diabetes face many other factors that can adversely affect efforts to tightly control blood sugar levels. These factors include stress, hormonal changes, periods of growth, physical activity, medications, illness/infection, fatigue, and EVERYTHING they do or don't do

Diabetes Fact #19: T1 Diabetes is a 24/7/365 disease. It NEVER sleeps and neither do the parents of the children who have it (or the T1 people themselves).

Diabetes Fact #18: T1 Diabetes can happen to ANYONE, it is not necessarily hereditary. This means that yes, it CAN happen to YOU or to someone YOU know.

Diabetes Fact #17: People with T1 or T2 Diabetes (and their caregivers) are more likely to experience depression than their peers without Diabetes.

Diabetes Fact #16: The out of pocket cost of managing T1 Diabetes is EXPENSIVE.

Diabetes Fact #15: Having Type 1 and getting an illness (especially a tummy bug) CAN be dangerous.

Diabetes Fact #14: Without insulin, a person with T1 Diabetes would DIE within ONE week.

Diabetes Fact #13: Type 1 Diabetes usually strikes children, adolescents, and young adults, but it CAN be diagnosed in adults as well.

Diabetes Fact #12: It is important for families of Diabetic children or the people with Diabetes themselves to genuinely try to understand what we go through, to learn about Diabetes along with us, and to support us through encouraging comments.

Diabetes Fact #11: Diabetes is ALL consuming. It is NOT our life, but it is a HUGE part of it.

Diabetes Fact #10: Parents of children with Diabetes HATE when people say "I could NEVER do it!" when referring to the management of their kid's disease. In reality, YOU could, and WOULD do it if you HAD to. We probably had the same thoughts as you and now look at us, doing it 24/7.

Diabetes Fact #9: The term "Juvenile Diabetes" is outdated. We now call it "T1 Diabetes" or "Insulin Dependent Diabetes". People with this type of Diabetes will NEVER outgrow it. EVER. They will have this relentless disease until a CURE is found.

Diabetes Fact #8: A cure would be great, but a long life without complications is a close second for people with T1 Diabetes.

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*


Nicole said...

So true and one fact that many people do not think about when talking about T1. How stressful would that be trying to deal and care for your child and losing your marriage because of it.

Unknown said...


We are blessed to have husbands willing to persevere the trial alongside us.

For better or for worse!

Lora said...

I won't argue that fact!

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