Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 in Picture Review and some goals for 2011

I am finally working on my 2011 calendar.

Each year since The Superhero was born I have created a calendar of pictures using pictures for each month from that same month the year before. I am a little behind this year since I normally use this as our Christmas gifts for family. Since we were sick most of December I did not get any good December pictures until the very end of the month.

Here is a review of what I have for 2010...Enjoy!

January 2010

February 2010 

March 2010 

April 2010 

May 2010 

June 2010 

July 2010 

August 2010 

September 2010 

October 2010 

November 2010 

December 2010 

And WOW these kids grew up this year! Can I get them to STOP and just stay little a while longer?

And, my goals for 2011 are more than just resolutions.They are things I just need to work on in general.
1) I want to have more patience with the kids. I don't want them to remember me for being a mean mommy who yells too much at them. I know they love me and I know they know I love them, but I feel like I yell too much.

2) I want to train my kids to go to bed on their own without a parent sitting in their rooms. No screaming and yelling from anyone.

3) I want to work on having some "ME" time every now and then and not ALWAYS putting everyone else's needs first. My needs are important too and I need to take care of myself or I am no good to anyone else.

4) I want to not work ALL the TIME. I need to set boundaries. Just because I work from home does NOT mean I need  to work constantly. I need to set aside my work to spend time with my family and to have my ME time and to keep up on the house work, etc.

5) I want to become more financially conscious and to really start thinking about where our money is going so we can become a little more stable. Our goal is to move out of this apartment before the end of 2011 and back into a house. I will be shopping LESS this year. This will be tough for me. LOL.

Those are the main things I can think of right now. What are you hoping to work on or change this year?

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*


Amy said...

Your kiddos are simply adorable, Tracy! The princess with her multiple 'phone' photos are too funny ;)

What a great idea to give out to family as gifts. I will have to make a mental note of that for next year.

Great goals, btw. I think working from home is the hardest job on earth! I tried it a couple of times and simply gave up in frustration. The boundaries were non-existant. Thenproblem was I didn't want to give in either direction :(. I just know you can work that one out and be successful. A D-Mom can do ANYTHING!!!

Happy New Year, Tracy. I look forward to all your joys of 2011.

Unknown said...

I love the photo of you, Rod, and the kids Tracy! You are such a beautiful family.

Great things to work on and goals. I think I am hoping to eat healthier and work out a little more. Maybe run a marathon...(I am scared to even put that out there...I'll feel like a failure if I don't do it...if I say it...if that makes any sense what-so-ever).

I would like to make more of our food from scratch and hike and be outside with the family even more that we already are.

Love to you good friend. I am looking forward to your 2011!!!

Denise said...

Great pictures...cute kiddos!

Right there with you on your first three goals...esp. #1. That is my biggest one too! I am tired of yelling (and yelling cuz I'm tired!) And an easy bedtime would be appreciated...getting our 2 and half year old to go to bed without one of us sitting by him will be HUGE (and will help with #1) If we can accomplish #3, the rest should be easier as well. Amazing how they are all connected!

Happy New Year!!!

Hallie Addington said...

Oh... those kids! SO CUTE! Time sure does fly...

My goals are, like you, to carve a little "me" time out. And to not feel guilty about it! I need to exercise and view taking care of myself as something I am doing to be a better parent instead of something that takes time away from my family! To keep learning about D. To keep raising money! And to keep on LIVING a life with D!

Happy 2011! May it bring you everything you dream of!

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