Thursday, June 17, 2010

A SUPER sized post

I feel like SO many things have been going on and I have not been very good at updating everyone!

So, here it is, a SUPER sized post to update you all on what has been going on around here.

1) School's OUT for the summer! Ok, so I only get 4 weeks off, 3 weeks now and 1 in July (I scheduled it this way), BUT I am enjoying my time off as much as I can. I go back to work on Monday and have LOTS to get ready for next school year. I will be teaching 5th grade math and the school has never been grade level specific before, so we have LOTS to get done.

And, I know, it is weird that I am a teacher who works in the summer. But honestly, I don't mind. We are not a local school district. We are a charter school run by K12, a corporation. So, it is a little different for us. And I am ok with it. I LOVE my job enough that it does not bother me one bit. I still get some time off and then get to prepare for the upcoming school year.

2) Quarterly Endo visit. We had The Superhero's quarterly endo visit on the 1st of this month. We were super excited to see Dr. D at her NEW office. She was as great as always and I was happy to see that one of the nurses we liked from the old office followed Dr. D to her new office. We discussed The Superhero's tummy aches (he complains A LOT), starting pre-school, Dexcom (LOVE), and of course my report card, aka the A1C. I am happy to report that our A1C only went up from 7.8 to 7.9! I am SO happy because I was expecting a little higher.

3) Blood Work. It has been a year since The Superhero had his annual blood work done and that means getting it repeated. We needed all of his annual labs done which included celiac, which is good since he complains of these tummy aches so often now. And since The Princess has started showing some signs of Diabetes as well (excessive thirst, peeing through diapers, crankiness), I asked to have some blood work done for her too. And our Endo is SO awesome that she ordered the testing for us. SO my mom and I took both kids to a "kid friendly" lab to get the work done. I was very pleased with the lab techs this time. There were two of them to help with both kids. The Superhero sat still for them, but CRIED the whole time. He kept telling me "Mommy, I don't like this! Make them STOP!". It was awful! But, he held still and it was over quickly.

The Princess on the other hand, I thought she was going to hyperventilate! She cried SO much it was crazy! It does not help that they always have a hard time finding her veins. The first tech got two vials of blood out of the first arm. The second tech got the other vials out of the other arm. So, she ended up needing 2 pokes. After they were both done, the second tech (who was much more personable) offered both kids a miniature doughnut. I don't think they get a lot of kids in there and this was from their break room. :) It was SO nice of him to offer and my kids enjoyed their doughnuts a lot! The Superhero talked about his blood work and the doughnut all day!

Some of The Superhero's blood work has come back and was normal. (just the cholesterol, kidney's, and something else, but not the celiac yet) I will do another post once we get all of his results and the results from The Princess' testing.

4) The Dentist. I braved the dentist with both kids, by myself. I usually take my mom with me so I can hand off one kid while the other is being cleaned. She was out of town this time, so I had no choice but to do it alone. The kids were great! The Princess' teeth look great. We need to work on getting rid of her binky, but other than that, she is great! The Superhero looks ok too, but he does have one cavity already that will need to be filled the next time we go in. He was very excited to get a new toothbrush. And I think even more excited that it was GREEN!

5) The potty. The Princess has recently started showing interest in the potty. She tells me in her non-verbal way that she needs to potty. And she has ACTUALLY gone several times now! I made the decision to capitalize on her interest and bought her some panties and some pull ups. We tried the panty thing today, she had MANY accidents. I put a pull up on for the afternoon and we did better. I think I am going to give it a few days of taking her in regularly before completely switching to the panties. BUT I am still in shock that at 19 months old, she is pottying like a BIG girl!

The only problem now is that when I give her an M&M for pottying, The Superhero thinks he needs one when he potties. I had to tell him that when he was learning we gave him his candy then. And now that she is learning, it is her turn to get the candy. It is not working so well. We will see how this goes.

1 comment:

connie said...

Congrats on the A1C!!!

And The Princess...WOO HOOOOOO on the potty training, that's amazing for a 19 month old :) It sounds like she is off to a really good start!

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