Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The longest day of my life so far...

I have had plenty of long days in my life. But nothing like today!

We started with The Princess' hematology appointment. Some good news there, sort of. Her platelets were down from the 67,000 we had last week. 25,000 today. This is of course very low, but not low enough to warrant a treatment. We will go back next Wednesday and will be prepared to stay for treatment if platelets continue to drop.

Then we went to the pediatrician. This was not originally on my plan for today, but The Princess woke up with a terrible cough at 2am. Very croupy sounding. Her inhalers seemed to help after a while and she went back to sleep around 4am. She kept saying "my ear hurts" and "my don't feel good".

The ears looked fine to the pediatrician, but we wondered if there was some sort of pressure she was feeling since she continually complains of ear pain, even with no infection. The pedi ordered a CT scan of the sinuses, STAT.

I called the lab and got an appointment for a little over an hour later. Just enough time to grab some lunch before the scan.

The kids and I enjoyed a picnic lunch in the back of our van. They thought it was cool to be in the van and out of their car seats.

Then we went for the CT scan. The Princess was SCARED. Poor thing. I had to stand above her and try to hold her head still while they scanned. She cried. Luckily, she held still enough they got what they needed. We would have results before the end of the day.

We got back in the van and I told the kids it would be a good time for a nap while we drove back down to the children's hospital for the pulmonology appointments. The Superhero was fast asleep. The Princess kept herself awake coughing her poor little head off.

I drove around extra to waste time and let The Superhero sleep. I ended up pulling over at one point to do The Princess' inhalers. She just can't seem to quick coughing. After some wasted time we headed to the appointment. Both kids had pulm. appointments. The Princess had a follow up for her asthma and The Superhero had his first appointment for a croup evaluation. He has had croup WAY too many times this year.

The appointment went well for both kids. As well as can be expected I guess. The Princess is starting steroids tonight for her "croupy" cough. She seriously can't stop coughing! She has barely stopped coughing for more than a minute since mid-day today. Crazy.

And The Superhero officially has asthma as well. He actually thinks the inhalers are cool, for now. We will follow up for both kids in November.

The doc was concerned that The Princess did not pass her swallow study again. She is going to schedule a bronchoscopy to see if something more serious is going on. This will be scheduled soon.

After that appointment, we headed home. Finally. I was/am wiped out!

I got things ready to make dinner when I got home. Then I got the call from the peds office. The CT results were in and The Princess officially has a really bad sinus infection. Antibiotics for the next 5 days, off 5 days, on 5 days. And a re-check of the CT scan in a month.

So, here we are, $150 in copays and $100 in rx's later.

So thankful today is almost over. Now hoping for better sleep tonight than last night.

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child and a child with ITP/Asthma/Dysphagia. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My, my, my, times have sure changed...

It was just over a year ago that The Superhero was first officially heading to pre-school.

Our first day was ROUGH, and that is putting it lightly.

The second day was a little better.

The third day drop off went amazingly well! And he came home alive.

And before I knew it, we had survived the first week of school. We got our 504 in place.

We survived a change of clothes and pretty panties.

We survived a REALLY rough day.

We battled breakfast. And survived.

We even survived a field trip!

We did end up pulling him out after he was in the hospital with a tummy bug in January. I couldn't spend the money for him to not be going.

And after ALL that, I would go through it all again. He LOVES preschool. A lot.

Tomorrow he starts. We have his first day of his second year of pre-k. And this time, I am not nervous. I am not worried. I am super excited and can't wait to take him to school!

The difference? We have been there. And not only that. We have been there with the SAME nurse AND the same teachers. No one new to train. They survived 1/2 year with him last year. And I know they will again.

It was a GREAT sign that THEY emailed ME to set up his 504 meeting this year. I went in and they already had the papers printed from MY revised copy. All we had to do was sign the papers saying we held the meeting. And that was it. Easy peasy this year.

So, to all of you who are sending your little ones to preschool with Diabetes this year, know that YOU can do this. The kids will be OK. And you will too. I promise!

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child and a child with ITP/Asthma/Dysphagia. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Sending kids off with friends...

I was thinking today, as my Superhero is off spending the day with Kris and her Sugar Bugs, that sending a D kid off is SO much different than a non-D kiddo.

I know this is no shock to most of you, but let me explain what I am thinking.

If I were sending my non-D kid off with a friend, it would most likely be HER friend. A friend of HER choice.

On the other hand, with my D kid, I tend to choose MY friends for him to spend time with. These are not HIS choice, though he always has a blast with them. Sending him off with a friend of HIS choice would scare me to no end.

I am sure there there will be a day that he wants to choose who he hangs out with. 

Until then, I am SO thankful to have some friends that he loves too.

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child and a child with ITP/Asthma/Dysphagia. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The results are in...

I called the rheumatology office earlier today and then anxiously waited for the call back from the doctor.

All labs came back "normal". The only one to come back abnormal was the ANA screening. This is the same one that initially came back positive and started this journey. She said it came back with a higher tiger than before. And she will be mailing me a copy of the results so I can see them.

Then she brought up something interesting. She mentioned the fact that The Princess has has a few IVIG treatments. Those are made up of immunoglobins from donors. Lots of donors. Donors that could potentially be positive for ANA tests. Her thought is that The Princess could just be showing positive due to some donor who is positive.

I asked how long she would need to go without IVIG in order to get a true measurement of her ANA. She said it would take 3-4 months to see true results without IVIG. So far we have only gone 3 weeks from treatment 1 to treatment 2. And 2 months between treatments 2 and 3.

And she is looking pretty bruised again. We are 3 weeks post treatment this time around. I am going to take her for lab work soon to see how much she dropped from last week.

So, we watch and wait. If the ITP is still around at 6 months post dx, which will be in October, then I will lean toward a true positive ANA. We will just keep an eye on her and see how things go.

The results from today give me HOPE. And I like hope.

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child and a child with ITP/Asthma/Dysphagia. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*

Sunday, August 14, 2011

No news is ... no news.

Just wanted to update you all really quick.

We took The Princess to her hematology and rheumatology appointments on Thursday.

I am SO thankful that Wendy mentioned having ANY lab work done with the same poke. The Princess woke up saying "No poke me!". When we went into our exam room at the hematology appointment I asked if they could talk with Rheumatology to see what labs they might want. They agreed that one poke would be best for her, and took care of getting the orders faxed over from the other building. So, we had ONE poke with FIVE vials of blood.

And thankfully, her platelets are UP still from the last round of IVIG. Her count was 127,000. We are hoping they stay up for a long while this time around. She follows up there again on the 30th of this month.

Then we wasted the day doing some shopping and having lunch with my mom. Then we rushed back to the children's hospital for the Rheuma appointment.

Part of the lab work requested earlier in the morning was to have The Princess pee in a cup. Yeah, that didn't happen. I tried and tried and tried. She wanted NOTHING to do with the darn cup. And at one point I had a very small amount collected and she decided to hold the cup herself. I thought this would be good and maybe she would actually cooperate. Nope. She dumped the little bit I had in the cup. I am sure if they still decide they want to run a urine sample we will try again, or just cath her!

Anyway, back to the appointment... The doctor came in and we went over The Princess' entire medical history. With a positive ANA screening, which was the test we did at the peds office, there is a chance she will develop Lupus. However, some people (I think she said 30%) test positive for the ANA test and never develop Lupus. Since we have other autoimmunity in the family (The Superhero), she will want to follow the Princess about every 6 months regardless of how the rest of the tests come out.

We are still waiting for the rest of the lab results. I am not even sure what tests she ran, but we will know more this week. She said we should have the results by Monday.

If all tests come back ok, then we will assume that for now The Princess does not have Lupus. If any of the tests come back positive, I am not sure what we do next exactly since I don't know what she tested for.

If The Princess does in fact have Lupus at this time, we would start a steroid treatment. The doctor is REALLY hoping we don't have to do this since the Princess is SO young. We are hoping the same.

Anyway, that is the update for today. No news is no news this time around.

I will do my best to update as soon as I get the results this week.

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child and a child with ITP/Asthma/Dysphagia. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Big day tomorrow...

After my post yesterday, and lots of thinking and worrying I decided to try to get The Princess in with the Rheumatologist sooner if they had any cancellations.

I was fortunate that when I called this morning they were able to get her in tomorrow afternoon at 2pm.

So, now we have Hematology at 10am and Rheumatology at 2pm. With some shopping at the mall in between. :-)

I will update when we know more.

For now, I leave you with this sweet, sweet face.

I hate that she has to go through any more medical anything, but she does it all like it is no big deal to her.


(another huge THANK YOU to the Small Acts of Kindness quilt group at New Life Community Church, she is in LOVE and carries her quilt every where, even when it is 100+ degrees outside)

***And a HUGE thank you to everyone who has commented on the blog or on FB. I appreciate all the thoughts and prayers being sent for The Princess and our family. You all mean more to me than you could possibly know. ***

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child and a child with ITP/Asthma/Dysphagia. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Just one more thing, again?

Yep, it appears we have added ONE MORE THING to our plate. I am still trying to figure this one out.

During my back to school teacher meeting a couple of weeks ago I was explaining ITP to a co-worker. Another co-worker/friend overheard our conversation and asked if I had ever tested The Princess for Lupus. Her husband has Lupus and has several of the "issues" that The Princess has.

I brushed it off a little since we had back to school meetings and start of the school year craziness going on. Later that week I started thinking about and researching a little more into all of the "issues" The Princess deals with.

Could her low platelets be related to Lupus? Yes.

Could her odd breathing be related to Lupus? Yes.

Could her leg pain be related to Lupus? Yes.

Could her dysphagia be related to Lupus? Yes, apparently so.

Could her restlessness and seemingly lack of restful sleep for her entire life be related to Lupus? YES.

Could the fact that she FREAKS out when it is bright outside (Hello, AZ!) be related to Lupus? YES.

Even after reading all that I read, I did not think it could be possible. She seemed to have several of the "possible symptoms" of Lupus. All of those things combined point to Lupus. So, what is a worried mama to do? Take her in for blood work, of course.

Last Tuesday the 2nd I took her in to her pediatrician. I explained my new theory and since she knows us well, she did not question me asking her to test for Lupus. The nurse came in and drew the blood. We would have to wait about a week for the results.

Over the following weekend, while still waiting for the results I thought about it A LOT. We spent about an hour outside on Friday night while The Superhero had soccer camp. It was HOT. Hot is an understatement. It is August in AZ after all. The Princess DID NOT want to be outside AT ALL. She kept saying she wanted to leave. Then we went for ice cream afterward and she just sat there. It was very strange for her to just sit there. Staring into space. Not interested in her pink sherbert. Just not herself. It was weird. Photosensitivity, perhaps? Ugh.

The weekend came and went. Then it was Monday. I decided to call the peds office and see if the results were in yet. I knew it was almost a week, but not quite, so I might have to wait. The results were in. BUT, no one in the office that day could "interpret" the results until the next morning.


Then today both kids were acting "off" and our friend's kiddos all have strep throat. I decided to take mine in for throat swabs. Thankfully that was negative.

While we were there, I asked about her lab results. Our doctor is out of town. Our Nurse Practitioner was not there. Our normal nurse was also not there. The med student, who was working today with a different nurse pract. came in. She basically said "I have the results. They are positive. Are you seeing a rheumatologist?"

Um, NO.

"Well, we are not sure what the next steps should be. Dr. F. usually sees her and knows her history, you should just follow up with her when she gets back next week. Would you like a copy of the results?"

Um, yes, I want the results. I will call a specialist myself!

I LOVE our docs office, but really, this was the worst experience when telling me lab results today. It did not make me feel better.

Before completely losing it, I called Wendy on my way out of the office. She is really good and helping me stay focused and not freak out. :-) (Thanks, Wendy!)

I then drove over to my mom's house. When I got there I looked up the number to the PCH rheumatology office and chose a doctor, then called and made an appointment for next Tuesday.

So, now we wait. I am anxious to see what they say about her results. I am anxious to know what our next steps will be. I am doing my best to have Faith that all of this is for a reason. Today I am struggling with this and all the "why us" questions. It will get better. It has to.

I will update next week. We see the hematologist on Thursday and the Rheumatologist on Tuesday. I am sure I will more than enough to say again after both appointments.

For now, I will just go off and cry. Sigh.

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child and a child with ITP/Asthma/Dysphagia. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*
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