Sunday, May 29, 2011

"I swimming, Mommy!"

A couple of weeks ago the kids and I decided to go swimming at the main pool in our apartment complex.

I like this pool because it has a BIG step for The Superhero to "hang out" on. He is not big into getting his face wet and is very timid around water. (or at least he was)

The Princess on the other hand is a FISH. And, she thinks she can swim. She just jumps off the steps or edge of the pool into open water and just assumes she will be ok.

This particular Saturday she was supposed to dive TOWARD me and instead she went to my right, into open water. When I pulled her up I asked her "What were you thinking", her response was "I swimming, Mommy!" As if she REALLY thought she was actually swimming.

Thank goodness I already had signed both kids up for swim class. We just had to wait for them to start. The Superhero was signed up for a group class, no more than 4 kids in the class. The Princess is not old enough for the group class, unless I want to join her in the water. Last year, I did join her in the water and we both learned a lot. This year, I wanted someone else to teach her. I thought she would get more out of the class if she wasn't constantly telling ME no. I ended up signing her up for the semi-private class which has a maximum of 2 kids.

We had our first class on Friday and I have to say I am SUPER impressed with BOTH kids! They did so amazingly well. The Superhero picked up right where he left off last year. And he even floated on his back! He would not do that last year, at least not easily. He got to wear flippers and had a GREAT time. He did tell me that he hate being put under water. He said "She put me under the water! She shouldn't DO THAT!" He was not happy about that part, but I did explain to him that it was her JOB to put him under water and teach him how to swim. He got over it quickly though.

The Princess. Oh, The Princess. She was beyond impressive. She ended up being the ONLY kid in her "class" and got 30 minutes of 1 on 1 attention, which she loves. She was swimming back to the wall in no time. She still did not want to float on her back, but is making progress from last year. She was such a little fish in the water!

After class we went to my parents' house to swim again and both kids enjoyed showing off their skills. Then on Saturday, we went swimming at my parents' again. Just one day later and the kids were doing even better than the day before! The Princess was using JUST the pool noodle to hold herself up and The Superhero wasn't far behind learning this skill. Then we practiced swimming without the noodle too, and they both were just amazing.

I can't believe how much progress they have made in such a short time! I am so impressed and proud of them both.

And now, instead of drowning herself, The Princess actually IS swimming! She keeps saying "I swimming! I doing it!"

Yes, yes you are.

*Disclaimer: I am a mom of a T1 Diabetic child and a child with ITP/Asthma/Dysphagia. I am NOT a doctor. I just play one in real life. Please do not take anything in this post or any other post on this blog as medical advice. If you have questions or concerns of your own, please seek advice from your doctor.*


Jules said...

aww thats aweseom. i know that feeling of pride when you see them doing so well. im a huge fan of teaching kids to swim young. good work xx.

Unknown said...

SUCH A SWEETIE! I love that she's fearless....but so glad she has a watchful mama :)


Anonymous said...

How fun!
I really need to get Bean and Bug into swimming classes...they both LOVE the water, so they need to know how to swim in it!

Unknown said...

She is precious! Love that she is swimming. She should be so proud of herself. Looks like you have a summer packed with swimming ahead of you Tracy.

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