Diabetes is... 24/7. It never sleeps. Ever.
Diabetes is... inconsistent.
Diabetes is... exhausting.
Diabetes is... a whole family disease. Not just the person with T1 themselves.
Diabetes is... relentless.
Diabetes is... numbers floating in your head. All.the.time.
Diabetes is... painful. Physically and emotionally.
Diabetes is... always, always on our minds.
Diabetes is...poking your kid with needles multiple times per day. To keep him alive.
Diabetes is... insulin. Which smells like bandaids.
Diabetes is... expensive. EXPENSIVE.
Diabetes is... life changing.
Diabetes is... all consuming.
Diabetes is... counting carbs.
Diabetes is... scary!
Diabetes is...what brought me best friends I never knew I needed. And I know they'll always be there. No matter what. Forever.
Diabetes is... what saved my baby's life. And for that, I am forever grateful.